Supporting Pieta House & the Soar Foundation
Help us reach our goal!
We take great pride in the development of our employees. This stands for not only their career but also their health and well being. We are very excited to promote our amazing team who are currently training for the Mallorca 70.3 Iron Man 2023 in aid of Soar and Pieta House.
Stephen, Gary, Dave Jnr, Steff are part of a team of 6 who are currently training for the Ironman. The guys will take on a gruelling 1.9km swim in the ocean, a hilly 90km cycle and a 21.1km run in 25 degrees heat.
The training is tough, but this won’t deter our team from putting the efforts in and raising much needed funds for both chosen charities.
The Soar Foundation provide preventative, character development programs to prepare Ireland’s teenagers for an ever-changing and complex world. For more information on Soar, visit:
Pieta provides free, therapeutic approach to people who are in suicidal distress, engage in self-harm, or bereaved by suicide, 24/7. For more information on Pieta House, visit
In grateful appreciation of any donation, be it big or small, every penny makes a difference.
Thank you from all in HVSM